Mind of a Millenial

How Pop Culture Helps

One of the best ways to learn about a culture is to read about it.  Perhaps in a Lonely Planet Book or in an encyclopedia.  However, there is something to be said for consuming the music, television, film, and literature from a certain culture as well.  It helps to give you an idea of what is currently important to the culture as opposed to what created it and what is in the past.

What better way to feel like you’re able to fit in than to know which songs are stuck in people’s heads, what shows people can’t wait to see the next episode of, or what jokes are getting old?  All of this is possible through consuming the pop culture of any given community.

The most important person in North America!

The most important person in North America!

The problem is what you take away from this consumption might not always be beneficial.  If all you take away from rap music is that the artists use foul language and disrespect women, you might not be getting the full message.  In the case of rap, there is most definitely foul language and disrespect towards women but that might be indicative of poor upbringing.  Most rappers are expressing themselves and sharing their stories; it’s not all about money and cars.  Sure that’s what they aspire to acquire, but mostly you’re listening to the lament of not having proper parental figures and feeling marginalized.

You most certainly do not have to like the music, but an understanding of why it can come off as so offensive might give you a better idea of what kids who are like the artists creating this music go through.  It might even inspire you to do work in those communities to help youth broaden their horizons and feel more integrated.

What form of pop culture has been the most influential for you?  Did it inspire you to take action in a community that needed help?  Did it help you feel like you fit in at work or at school?  Let us know in the comment section how Pop Culture has helped you or made you think differently about an issue.

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