Director's Cut

Giving Tuesday


What do some of your holiday traditions involve?  Do you have a list that you check twice to make sure that everyone you care about receives something from you at this time of year?  Do you strategically attack your shopping list?  Do you lose sleep over what to make when everyone comes over?

It is easy to get caught up in the material aspects of the holidays.  Shopping for presents, decorations, preparing special meals.  It’s also a time filled with parties at work and with friends.  However, it is also important to find a way to give back in whatever way you can at this time of year because everyone deserves to feel the warmth of the holidays.

Being selfless at this time of year always sounds like a great idea but it might be a daunting task to undertake initially.  Not knowing how you can get involved can be a deterrent.  Giving Tuesday Canada can help point you in the right direction.

Giving Tuesday Canada is a great resource for getting in touch with charities that align with your giving habits as well as finding out where you can volunteer.  Helping agencies just like MicroSkills create better futures for their communities can be a very fulfilling way to make use of any spare time or resources you may have during the holiday season.

Are there any giving traditions that you have during the holidays?  I’d love to hear how people enjoy giving of themselves over the holiday season in the comment section.

Michelle Kerr, CHRP
Director, People and Organizational Development

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